Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 6

Went and weighed in on Saturday and I am PISSED! I gained a pound. I know that isn't tons of weight and it could be water retention. But I am still mad. Now any little "cheating" I did last week makes me feel like a big loser! One of the classes at the school I work at had a Superbowl ice cream party on Friday and invited me...needless to say, I made myself a yummy caramel sundae with pecans. As some of you know, I LOVE CARAMEL SUNDAES. One of you at least knows that, since we would go to McDonald's after school in high school and get caramel sundaes :)

Thinking maybe I should go back to blogging everyday. Doing that makes me accountable for what I eat. Like when I cheated today and had some conversation hearts. Love those! Sugar is the devil and it taunts me daily!

Enough sugar! Time to get back on the wagon. I am not eating the junk the family is having for dinner tonight. Instead I am going to have a meal replacement shake...and I am also going to have a fiber cleanse drink that works wonders - but tastes like dirt!

I have got into the habit of checking the calorie count of everything around me...I talk myself out of eating it by figuring out how much cardio I will have to do at the gym to work it off...since I hate cardio there are few things I find that are worth all of the pain and suffering.