Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 6

Went and weighed in on Saturday and I am PISSED! I gained a pound. I know that isn't tons of weight and it could be water retention. But I am still mad. Now any little "cheating" I did last week makes me feel like a big loser! One of the classes at the school I work at had a Superbowl ice cream party on Friday and invited me...needless to say, I made myself a yummy caramel sundae with pecans. As some of you know, I LOVE CARAMEL SUNDAES. One of you at least knows that, since we would go to McDonald's after school in high school and get caramel sundaes :)

Thinking maybe I should go back to blogging everyday. Doing that makes me accountable for what I eat. Like when I cheated today and had some conversation hearts. Love those! Sugar is the devil and it taunts me daily!

Enough sugar! Time to get back on the wagon. I am not eating the junk the family is having for dinner tonight. Instead I am going to have a meal replacement shake...and I am also going to have a fiber cleanse drink that works wonders - but tastes like dirt!

I have got into the habit of checking the calorie count of everything around me...I talk myself out of eating it by figuring out how much cardio I will have to do at the gym to work it off...since I hate cardio there are few things I find that are worth all of the pain and suffering.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 5

I haven't been doing a very good job at blogging daily...not to mention that some days I really don't have anything to say (I know, hard to believe). I think I will try for weekly blogs.

So this past week was Week 5.

I weighed in yesterday and I am excited to say that I lost another 2.5 pounds. I now weigh 160.2. I am very happy with my progress. I have worked quite hard. I do my meal replacements and other supplements at least once a day. Most days I actually do a meal replacement shake twice. During this past week I only ate an actual dinner on Monday. All the other days I did a shake for breakfast and dinner and only ate lunch. It is strange - I am not tired of the meal replacement shakes - as a matter of fact I crave them now. They taste sooooo good!

I must say, this is the only regimen that I have stuck with! I am determined! I have lost almost 10 pounds...30 more to go!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 22

Today was not a great day for sticking to my regimen...

I had a decent size lunch with intentions of not eating dinner - I was planning on just having a meal replacement shake. When I got out of work I called to remind Matt that I was going to the vet to pick up the dog when he told me his brother Jorge was driving through Albuquerque on his way to El Paso. Jorge wanted to grab dinner at Sadie's before continuing his trip. I have zero will power to refuse dinner at Sadie's! So - I took 3 fat blocking pills and I was off to eat! I really did not eat a lot but what I did eat was far from healthy! Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right? I think I will stick with all lean protein and fiber the rest of the week. I would like to weigh in again on Saturday but I'm considering waiting until next weekend since I was just weighed-in on Monday.

I did manage to squeeze in a VERY short trip to the gym before going out to dinner...only did a bit of cardio. I have not got into doing weights just yet - would like to shed lots of pounds before I start converting all of this fat to muscle. I do not want to be built like a bull-dog. Would rather trim down first!

I talked to a woman who is doing the same regimen as me...she was frustrated that she has plateaued with her weight loss. I asked if she was doing any cardio - of course her answer was "NO". Cardio is key! Even if you can only do a bit of speed walking to raise your heart rate, a little goes a long way! Cardio! Cardio! Cardio! It's a must do!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Days 15-21 I haven't blogged in a while. I was sick and I am still dealing with a sinus infection :( No Bueno. I am also (still) dealing with family drama and just got back from the vet and found out I had to cough up $900 because my yorkie broke a tooth and has other dental "issues" which may consist of a few extractions. Ugh!

Needless to say, beyond the stress, financial burdens and illnesses - I have managed to stay on my regimen and continue my meal replacements and weighed in yesterday at 162.4 pounds! Almost 7 pounds lighter than I was 3 weeks ago! YAY! I have worked hard at this...I started back at the gym doing cardio. A real challenge with a sinus infection. I have found that a good way to get me to the gym is to utilize my unlimited tanning. Needless to say, I now need to get my dark-ass down there by other means - I have achieved a shade of brown that is not natural even for someone who is Italian/Hispanic. I definitely do not want to look like a lady I saw running down Laguna Beach in CA who had skin that looked like leather! Need to change my focus from dark-ass to fat-ass :)

What I like about all of this so far is that my weight loss is healthy. It's dangerous if you lose more than a pound or two a week! I have also heard that if you drop tons of weight in a short amount of time, you are more prone to gaining it all back (and some). I am not sure how true that is but I don't want to test that theory either. I am happy with losing a pound or two a week. Hopefully at this rate I will have reached my goal weight loss by May! Just in time for summer!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 14

Today was a good day. Did the morning regimen and went to the gym (finally) - and did some cardio and tanning. Now if I can just get the motivation to do it all again tomorrow. I know cardio is going to be key to shed the pounds quick.

I am too tired to small talk tonight...

Hitting the sack!

Night Night!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 11 - 12 - 13

Total Weight Loss: 5 lbs

So haven't been in much of a mood to blog...too much stress has made me become a recluse - even as far as the computer is concerned. I feel pretty maxed out and even came to a point where I was ready to throw away many things out of my personal life (including relationships).

Needless to say, all the stress has not really changed my eating habits. I have stuck to my morning regimen of supplements and meal replacement shakes and have really tried to watch what I eat. I weighed in today and lost another pound. Maybe if I wasn't so lazy I would lose more. I've lost a total of 5 pounds without going to the gym since I started this quest. Maybe I will go back tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day.

I am still struggling with my sugar cravings. On Friday I am sure I looked like I was withdrawing from heroin...I was having a crazy sugar craving - it almost hurt. So strange but true. I finally went to my office and shoved a piece of sugar free gum in my mouth and chewed that gum to death! Maybe that is why I had a headache! I wish there was something I could do to stop these sugar cravings or make weening myself from sugar easier - They need to make antabuse for sugar addicts. (for those who don't know, antabuse is a prescription given to extreme alcohol addicts to help them dry out). Either way, there has got to be something that could help. I struggle with sugar cravings at least 3 times a day...and it is bad. It's indescribable, really.

Any suggestions, let me know. I know losing another pound is good - and is better than gaining - but I was hoping I had lost more...maybe next time. I just keep picturing what 5 pounds of potatoes looks likes and that is what I have shed in just under 2 weeks.

I go in on Monday (18th) to weigh-in. Keep the encouragement and suggestions coming! It does help tremendously!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 10

I swear, I do not understand how I can be such a strong person with no will power when it comes to food! What the hell????

So I am at work busy as can be...stressed that I cannot get one of my accounts to balance when Rosa walks in with a freshly baked (still warm) oatmeal raisin cookie from the cafeteria. UGH! Now I am negotiating with myself about how healthy the cookie is because it is made with oatmeal. NO WILL POWER!

Aside from the cookie I had my normal morning regimen for breakfast and a buffalo chicken salad for lunch. I have not eaten dinner and not sure what I want. I could really use a meal replacement shake and hope that the dishwasher finishes its cycle soon so I can use my blender that is in there.