Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 11 - 12 - 13

Total Weight Loss: 5 lbs

So haven't been in much of a mood to blog...too much stress has made me become a recluse - even as far as the computer is concerned. I feel pretty maxed out and even came to a point where I was ready to throw away many things out of my personal life (including relationships).

Needless to say, all the stress has not really changed my eating habits. I have stuck to my morning regimen of supplements and meal replacement shakes and have really tried to watch what I eat. I weighed in today and lost another pound. Maybe if I wasn't so lazy I would lose more. I've lost a total of 5 pounds without going to the gym since I started this quest. Maybe I will go back tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day.

I am still struggling with my sugar cravings. On Friday I am sure I looked like I was withdrawing from heroin...I was having a crazy sugar craving - it almost hurt. So strange but true. I finally went to my office and shoved a piece of sugar free gum in my mouth and chewed that gum to death! Maybe that is why I had a headache! I wish there was something I could do to stop these sugar cravings or make weening myself from sugar easier - They need to make antabuse for sugar addicts. (for those who don't know, antabuse is a prescription given to extreme alcohol addicts to help them dry out). Either way, there has got to be something that could help. I struggle with sugar cravings at least 3 times a day...and it is bad. It's indescribable, really.

Any suggestions, let me know. I know losing another pound is good - and is better than gaining - but I was hoping I had lost more...maybe next time. I just keep picturing what 5 pounds of potatoes looks likes and that is what I have shed in just under 2 weeks.

I go in on Monday (18th) to weigh-in. Keep the encouragement and suggestions coming! It does help tremendously!