Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 22

Today was not a great day for sticking to my regimen...

I had a decent size lunch with intentions of not eating dinner - I was planning on just having a meal replacement shake. When I got out of work I called to remind Matt that I was going to the vet to pick up the dog when he told me his brother Jorge was driving through Albuquerque on his way to El Paso. Jorge wanted to grab dinner at Sadie's before continuing his trip. I have zero will power to refuse dinner at Sadie's! So - I took 3 fat blocking pills and I was off to eat! I really did not eat a lot but what I did eat was far from healthy! Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right? I think I will stick with all lean protein and fiber the rest of the week. I would like to weigh in again on Saturday but I'm considering waiting until next weekend since I was just weighed-in on Monday.

I did manage to squeeze in a VERY short trip to the gym before going out to dinner...only did a bit of cardio. I have not got into doing weights just yet - would like to shed lots of pounds before I start converting all of this fat to muscle. I do not want to be built like a bull-dog. Would rather trim down first!

I talked to a woman who is doing the same regimen as me...she was frustrated that she has plateaued with her weight loss. I asked if she was doing any cardio - of course her answer was "NO". Cardio is key! Even if you can only do a bit of speed walking to raise your heart rate, a little goes a long way! Cardio! Cardio! Cardio! It's a must do!