Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Days 15-21 I haven't blogged in a while. I was sick and I am still dealing with a sinus infection :( No Bueno. I am also (still) dealing with family drama and just got back from the vet and found out I had to cough up $900 because my yorkie broke a tooth and has other dental "issues" which may consist of a few extractions. Ugh!

Needless to say, beyond the stress, financial burdens and illnesses - I have managed to stay on my regimen and continue my meal replacements and weighed in yesterday at 162.4 pounds! Almost 7 pounds lighter than I was 3 weeks ago! YAY! I have worked hard at this...I started back at the gym doing cardio. A real challenge with a sinus infection. I have found that a good way to get me to the gym is to utilize my unlimited tanning. Needless to say, I now need to get my dark-ass down there by other means - I have achieved a shade of brown that is not natural even for someone who is Italian/Hispanic. I definitely do not want to look like a lady I saw running down Laguna Beach in CA who had skin that looked like leather! Need to change my focus from dark-ass to fat-ass :)

What I like about all of this so far is that my weight loss is healthy. It's dangerous if you lose more than a pound or two a week! I have also heard that if you drop tons of weight in a short amount of time, you are more prone to gaining it all back (and some). I am not sure how true that is but I don't want to test that theory either. I am happy with losing a pound or two a week. Hopefully at this rate I will have reached my goal weight loss by May! Just in time for summer!